Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Saturday, May 11, 2013

We are in China!!

We made it!
We are quite tired and weary but we are here safely.  Thirty eight hours after leaving our house we checked into our hotel.  It seems so amazing to be back in Chongqing.  H.O. and I knew during Abby's adoption we would be adopting again, but never did we think we would be back in the same city in China.  Today has brought back so many memories, the smells, sights and sounds.    Sitting in the airport waiting for our connecting flight, we were the only non-Asians.  We definitely stood out, Andrew said it would be so much fun to be able to understand mandarin so we could understand what they were saying about us. :) 

Here is a shot of our room before we unpacked and made a mess, Andrew has an adjoining room to us.

Here is the view from our hotel window.  
So many people, so much traffic.

We went for a walk today around the area, trying to stay awake!  We landed here Saturday morning, we are hoping to stay awake until about 7pm so we can sleep tonight and try to get adjusted to this time zone, but as I am typing this H.O. and Andrew started watching t.v. and are out!    
Tomorrow our guide is going to show us around the city some and take us shopping, he is also going to show us some local places to eat.  Today we were not very adventurous, we settled on Papa John's.  

Only two days from now we will have our boys! 
Can't wait!

Now off to bed, so ready to have some energy!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it safely! Looks like a nice hotel! Can't wait to see gotcha day pictures! :)
