Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Friday, September 26, 2014

End of Summer Fun!

Andrew had a great time this summer life guarding at a local Christian camp!
He made it almost all summer without having to save anyone but two weeks before the pool closed he did make a save.  He had been nervous but all went well.  He remembered what they had taught him during training.

Our family very much enjoyed the blessing of being able to go swimming at the pool where he worked!

On Labor Day Andrew worked from opening to closing and we enjoyed spending the afternoon at the pool.

After the pool closed Andrew showed us his jumps and back flips which he had been perfecting all summer!

A great summer had come to an end!
Then we all headed home for a relaxing cook out!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The day came! :(

Taylor left for college!

The summer has been an odd one in my mind, many moments of dread.

My mind marked everything by the day we would take Taylor to school.  I had dreaded vacation because I knew when we got home four days later we would be taking him to school.  In spite of my dread and sadness God gave us an amazing vacation filled with wonderful family times.

Each thing we would do I would think of it as this is the last time we will do.... with Taylor for a long while.

The night before he left we enjoyed a late night conversation, not wanting to head to bed knowing the next morning he would be leaving.  He also enjoyed time with Molly.

My pastor's wife, who has three grown children, shared with me she thought it was worse before they left because you dreaded everything, and I think she is right.

As a mom I have always tried to cherish each moment with my children knowing the day would come when they would spread their wings and leave home but, it came way too fast.  (Those folks who say don't rock your babies too much it will spoil them, I say don't listen, rock away, love every moment, the moments fly way too quickly!  They will not grow up spoiled, they will grow up loved!:)  Folks have said well, you have five more at home at least the house is not quiet, and that is true, but his absence leaves a void.  Things are different and definitely not the same.  When my children were little I got a CD by Ron Hamilton entitled, "Cherish The Moment" and I would listen to that with tears running down my face thinking of that day and now it has come and he is missed!  And to think I have to do this five more times, no fun!

However....it is fun to watch him mature.  To hear him over the phone and listen as he tells of his day and see positive changes in his life!  The lessons he is learning, the things he is experiencing.  Wow, exciting stuff!  He is growing up and I get a front row seat as I watch him grow into a young man working hard and doing what is right. 

This is a new season!  

Pay attention Taylor!  
Learn bunches, but most of all honor God everyday with everything you do!  We love you!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Water Wars! {Vacation Continued}

Yes, things have been a bit busy at our house and I never finished posting about our vacation.  When I was trying to pick my favorite vacation pictures I decided to break it into two posts, and well, life has been busy and I am just now getting around to telling about the fun water wars that occurred on our vacation.  Yes, much has happened in our family since vacation and I hope to catch up soon ;)!

When you put six kids and one husband around that much water, fun water wars are definitely going to happen!

I think Andrew was the instigator...

and then the fun began!

H.O. held Andrew still so Abby could get him!

Abby got hit by water and laughed so hard she fell backward!

If pictures could talk you would hear lots of laughter!

Then the fun always continued back at the pool in the evening.

Abby and Seth loved Andrew flipping them off of the raft!

They worked hard and finally managed to get Andrew off of the raft!
Fun times!