Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Monday, August 3, 2015


I haven't posted in f-o-r-e-v-e-r, but I am going to try and post just a few highlights from our family during the past few months!  Then, I hope to do a better job keeping up! ;)  Life has been busy, hard and good all mixed together.  Enjoy the mega picture overload!

Andrew LOVED his basketball season!

H.O. has made many AWANA grand prix cars during the past 16 years!  This year he (along with the kids help ;))made four and all four received trophies.  The theme for our families cars this year was from the Cars movie.

Hanging out with friends watching the AWANA grand prix.

Carrie Anne and I enjoyed a mother daughter lunch date out.

Seth celebrated his 8th birthday!

Andrew and I enjoyed a weekend together going to visit Taylor at college.  Love my big boys!!

A cup of coffee as we travel to see Taylor, we are so excited!!

Carrie Anne is such a sweet big sister!  She helped her little brothers dig for worms.  
Why? Well, just because that's what kids do!

Next up we celebrated Caleb's 9th birthday!

Carrie Anne and Seth love swinging together!

We enjoyed a great field trip to a military transportation museum.
The little guys especially loved it!

Each spring our home school group has a field day.  This activity is one of my kids favorite events of the year.....especially Andrew who is just a tad competitive!

Cooling off with popsicles after working hard at field day!

As the grass started to grow this spring Seth was eager to help daddy cut the grass.  I love seeing this it reminds me so much of when Taylor, Andrew and Carrie Anne helped daddy.  
Sweet, simple moments make the sweetest memories!

I'll catch up more soon!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Remembering...."Our journey with Abby", Feb. 2012

Below is a blogpost I wrote from Feb. 2012.  Three years ago today God sent us a journey with Abby that we did not anticipate, but God knew.  Through blogging I can journal events, this is one such event I do not want to ever forget.  Through Abby's hospitalization, surgery, inpatient rehabilitation and slow recovery God showed himself mighty and I never want to forget His love for us.

God brought us to Abby and Abby to us, now we get to journey through life with Abby.  

The journey this past week is a journey I could of never imagined.  God has been so incredibly good.  He has blessed beyond measure.  Each morning when we wake, we can plan our day but only God truly knows what it holds.

Last Thursday our family was travelling for a day of skiing, we were about 2 1/2 hours from home when Carrie Anne noticed Abby looked as if she was going to get sick.  We stopped the car on the side of the road, Abby proceeded to get sick and then pass out, she was coming in and out of consciousness, her lips were white.  We called 911, they arrived quickly, assessed that her vitals were weak and suggested they should take her to the hospital.  God had gone before us and planned our day, this had taken place only 30 minutes from the exact hospital Abby needed.

When we arrived at the hospital Abby had perked up somewhat, they began running tests.  They thought possibly because of her cerebral palsy she could of had a seizure.  They sent her for a CAT scan of her brain.  The scan only showed a small portion of her top vertebrae but God allowed the radiologist to see some compression in the part of the vertebrae he could see.  They immediately put a neck collar on her and ordered another CAT scan this time of her neck.  This scan showed her C1 and C2 vertebrae were severely compressed, squeezing her brain stem and spinal cord.  She then went for an MRI, which precisely showed her compression.  The compression was not squeezing from top to bottom but the bones squeezing inward on her brain stem and cord.  This part of the brain stem controls breathing, eating, swallowing, motion and so much more.  When our family awoke on February 23rd we thought we were going to enjoy a day on the mountain however, our day ended with us checking into the hospital with our dear Abby as we awaited the doctors plan on how best to help Abby, which they prepared us would include surgery.

The week that followed was overwhelming to us at times as parents and very painful for Abby however, through it all we as parents had a complete peace knowing our daughter was in the hands of the Great Physician.  God had placed us at a hospital that had a team of surgeons that specialized in the surgery Abby needed, one of the surgeons is one of the best in our country.  The plan that the surgeons came up with wasn't easy for Abby, they put her in spinal traction for six days, this was extremely painful, the surgeons were very pleased with how the traction had stretched her spine.  If the traction had not been successful she would of been facing a much more risky surgery through her mouth.  Since it had been successful they could operate through the back of her neck.  The surgeons prepared us for many possibilities.  The risks of death or paralysis, which were lower percentages.  And also higher chances that she would still need the surgery through her mouth if this first surgery did not accomplish all that they needed.  Also, a risk that she would come out of surgery with a halo on, a helmet screwed into her skull that connected to a vest with rods to keep her head immobile.  Also, a chance she would need a bone graft of bone from her hip to help fuse her spine.

As I sit typing this in the hospital watching Abby sleep I am overwhelmed by God's love for us.  Abby came through the surgery beautifully, she did not need a halo, or a bone graft and we found out today after a CAT scan she will not need a second surgery.

Abby had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy in China, we found out she does NOT have cerebral palsy all of her symptoms were coming from the compressed brain stem and cord!  The doctor's are amazed she survived 10 years without becoming paralysed or dying from not being able to breathe.  God sustained Abby until in His perfect timing He could give her the perfect help she needed.

I can not imagine how this will possibly change her life, she has the chance at a complete healing.  I also can not imagine what would of happened to Abby had this of happened in China while she was in the orphanage.

Not only did God bless us with the big things of bringing Abby through her surgery as perfectly as He did, He blessed us in so many little ways.  We have felt the love of so many people, people have prayed on Abby's behalf all across our country.  I have received cards, emails, and phone calls assuring us of prayers.

We also received two other gifts from our Saviour.  The night of Abby's surgery she was so confused and in pain.  She was in the PICU and a doctor came around making his rounds and he had medical students with him, this is a University Hospital.  As he was looking at Abby, one of his students spoke up and said I know fluent Mandarin!  What?  Wow!  Right when we needed a translator the most to help explain to Abby why she was feeling this way, God provided!

The next morning we were still in the PICU and a lady came in and introduced herself.  She said I know you do not know me but I have been praying for your daughter.  She explained a neighbor friend of mine that I grew up with from the time I was small until I married had found out about Abby through a prayer chain my sister started.  This lady was a good friend of my friend, when my friend found out about Abby and which hospital we were at she called her friend, the lady that was now standing in the room with me because this sweet lady works at the hospital we were at.  God had placed a sweet christian in our midst praying for us and reaching out to us.  She told us to please call on her if we needed anything.  She offered to pick up anything I needed and bring it to me at the hospital.  She also offered us the use of her guest bedrooms if any of our family wanted to stay the night instead of making the two hour trip home.  A sweet fellow christian reaching out in love.  A stranger on earth, but a sister in heaven.  God is good!

When you sit in a quiet hospital room watching your daughter sleep or experience pain you have much time to meditate on God's goodness.  I get so busy in the busyness of life I often take little things for granted.  God has given me this time to remember His goodness.  He has protected our Abby and given her a chance for a full healing.  We hope to leave the hospital in a few days.

Once again I stand amazed at God's love for me!   Again we thank everyone for their prayers for our family, we have certainly felt God's love in amazing ways.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

****SNOW DAY****

The kids were so excited to see SNOW!

As a homeschooling family we usually don't take the day off for snow, but Monday night the principal of our school (AKA daddy, H.O.) declared Tuesday an official snow day!  If you were listening you probably could of heard the yelling!

After a yummy breakfast they headed outdoors and enjoyed the beautiful snow God gave us!

 We enjoyed snowball fights, sledding, making snow angels and building a snowman.
 Gracie enjoyed the outdoors with us for a bit but for the most part the dogs have seen this snow in their bathroom as a real pain!
 Love this goofball!
 Andrew and Carrie Anne decided to give Patrick a face.
 If you look in the windows you will see where our dogs preferred to view the snow from, where it is nice and warm.

We have enjoyed this beautiful snowy week!  
Now, we are ready for spring!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Happy 20th TAYLOR!

How is it that the little baby that made us parents can possibly be 
2 decades old????  

Time truly passes so quickly!

Taylor's 20th birthday was during his time home for Christmas break and we were able to enjoy the time together.

Of course the day started with his choice for breakfast.  He chose chocolate chip waffles.

Hmm, can he blow out all those candles?  20 is a lot! :)

My parents chose a perfect gift for a college student!
Laundry detergent and $50 in quarters!

And this is how the non-birthday boys entertain themselves with the birthday boys boxes!

Hope this is a great year Taylor!  Strive to honor God in all you do!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Celebrating our SAVIOR!!!

Yes, I know it is long past Christmas!

My kids are starting to ask how much longer until next Christmas!
And, I am just now getting around to posting about Christmas 2014.  Well, life just gets busy!  And we needed a bit of a breather after a busy December!

Here is a glimpse of what happened in our family during the month of December.

Actually, we are going to back up to Thanksgiving weekend 
when Taylor was home for a quick break!

Our house was full of laughter and excitement.  Andrew was happy to have his buddy home.  He even let him attempt to cut his hair for him!  :)

He spoiled the dog!  She is not allowed on the furniture, can't you just see her saying please mommy don't make me get down!  Umm, nope, get down!

We attempted to take pictures for our Christmas cards.

We put up our tree that weekend.  And as is tradition our kids each get a new ornament to add to the tree.  They have come to look forward to what I have chosen for them.  

Andrew had a milestone ornament this year of a diploma since he is a high school senior.

Abby loved her minion since she is all about minion's lately.

Then Taylor headed back to school and December carried on at a fast pace with a lot of activities.

We hosted the dessert portion of the progressive dinner for our church youth group.

It's always fun to see them looking so beautiful and handsome!

Carrie Anne, Abby and myself attended the Ladies Christmas Brunch at our church and had a great time.

Next Andrew and Carrie Anne attended a Christmas Ball.

We did manage to continue with our schooling and went on a couple of great field trips during the month of December also.

Then... Taylor had completed exams and his semester and was back at home!

H.O. was given a limo Christmas Light tour and we had a great time!  We decided it was a great family vehicle that was comfortable for the whole family! :)

It had been a busy month and now we had arrived at Christmas Eve!  It is almost like crossing the finish line, I love it when the preparation is complete and now we can just celebrate the Savior and enjoy our family!

Christmas Eve morning we headed to my parents and spent the day with my parents and sister and her family.  It was nice to relax with them.  Later that night we headed to our church for our candlelight Christmas Eve service.  This service has become a highlight of Christmas for me.  I love hearing all of the Christmas carols being sung by candlelight.  How amazing to look around the dark room and the illumination of each candle being held by each person.  We are a "light" in a dark and dying world!  That night our individual lights all together were a very bright light!

We then headed home and prepared for bed as the children excitedly tried to fall asleep! :)

Christmas morning had finally arrived!
The children draw names each year to buy a gift for a brother or a sister.  Taylor got Andrew this year and decided to make the gift very hard to get into, covering it with duct tape!
 This year we did something a bit different.  The children unwrapped the gifts under the tree and everyone seemed very happy with what they had received.  But.. no one had gotten the big item that they had wanted.  As everyone started looking over their gifts I said I had a couple of envelopes and one at a time they opened their envelope which lead them on a "scavenger hunt".  At the end of finding their clues they got to their gift.  The kids had so much fun.  Andrew has declared I need to do this every year!

Andrew finding his guitar in my bed!

On Abby's scavenger hunt she had to give daddy a hug to get her next clue.
We then had a relaxing afternoon as the children played with their toys.
Then we set out our finger foods.  In our family I prepare finger foods and we munch and play all Christmas evening, then we finish our day with a birthday cake for Jesus!

I hope you and your family also had a wonderful Christmas, focused on Christ!  Now that 2015 is well underway may we strive to honor Christ in all that we do in this year!  
Each day is a gift!