Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Abby Day!

Three years ago we met our sweet, scared, excited, overwhelmed Abby.  In her words, she was so excited to finally have a family of her own she wasn't about to say "No".  But I still can't imagine how scary it must be to walk away with people you have never met, who don't speak your language, look different and I'm sure smell different!  How brave these children are!!  I will never forget the ride from the Civil Affairs Office as I would look at her beside me and she would give me the biggest smile and quickly look out the window.  I knew everyone in the van and I felt completely overwhelmed thinking oh my I have a daughter I can not talk to, who I wanted to hug big but knew I would probably scare her more if I gave her a big ole bear hug. :)

Abby checking out her new father just moments after we met her in China, Dec. 2011
If I summarize the past three years in one word it would be progress!  Abby has made amazing progress in the past three years learning what it means to be part of a family.
Abby loving the hugs of having her own sweet sister, China, Dec. 2011

Abby learning to love the night time routine of prayers, hugs and kisses in China,
Dec. 2011

Abby loving her brother Taylor in China, Dec. 2011

  To give and receive love, oh how big that is.  When I hug her now she does not tense up AND even bigger... she initiates hugs, real hugs.  Where she randomly comes up and squeezes me tight.

She has also made huge progress in her physical abilities!  As we were at the zoo in October, I thought back to our time in China at the zoo and she wasn't able to walk much at all and had to be carried.  But in October she walked the entire zoo and enjoyed learning about the animals.
Abby at the zoo, October 2014
  Also, as we go to pick apples in the fall it is a great reminder each year to see how much stronger she is getting.  This year was the most impressive as she walked the whole orchard with little complaining :)!  There is a large hill that must be climbed to get to our favorite apples and this year she made it by herself!

We know God preserved her life until she could get to the states and give her the lifesaving surgery she needed.  She is a miracle! We have been told by multiple doctors she should not have survived past her second year of life,  BUT GOD has other plans for her.  It is absolutely amazing to see her grow stronger!  She loves Jesus and has a heart for missions, she wants everyone to know of the love of Jesus!  Yes, she still has some physical limitations but I am reminded of,

Phil. 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"

As I meditate on this verse, I feel God isn't saying all things that we want to do, our "bucket list", but all things that He has planned for us.  We have NO limitations in Christ, we can do all He wants us to do in His strength not ours.  Sweet Abby, God has great plans for you!  So glad God chose you to be a part of our family!
We love you!

Sweet Boy!

My birthday was last week and my sweet boy Andrew came home from work with flowers and candy for me!

Let me just say my day had been, umm, rotten!  I had one little one that was trying me allll daayyyy looonnnnggg!  It was one of those days you just want to end so you can crawl in bed because God's mercies are new each day and I was ready for a fresh start!  And then Andrew came in the door and brightened my day.  He has such a kind, thoughtful heart, I know I'm a bit biased but he is going to make a great husband one day!!  They could of been weeds and I wouldn't of cared, it's the thought!  Then my sweet husband came home with candy and took us out to dinner(after he had a stern talk with a little one).  I love their thoughtful hearts, it brightened my day (and hopefully was a good example to that one of how to lovingly treat your mother!)  :)