Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We have PA~~ AGAIN!!

That is right we have Pre-Approval for our second son for this adoption!  We will not be bringing home one son from China, but TWO!

We are so excited!

When we started considering adopting again, and considering a son we thought about the huge age difference there would be between Andrew and Seth.  We knew then, from much leading from God, that we would not be bringing home just one boy but two!

We talked with our home study and placing agencies, our home study social worker wanted to meet with us and assured us she normally does not approve for two but was going to allow it.  We saw that as another confirmation from God that it was His plan for us to adopt two this time.

After approval from both agencies to adopt two we began the matching process.  We had chosen the name Seth for our son for which we had already received Pre-Approval.  As we began looking at files one file jumped out at us.  We reviewed his file and began praying if he was the one that God had for our family.  And then upon considering his advocate name, Wow!!  His advocating name was "Cain", in the Bible Seth and Cain are brothers!!  Brothers!!  Another gentle nudge from God that he was the one.  We quickly will be changing "Cain's" name because, well, he wasn't the best of fellows in the Bible! :)

His name is still being decided on!  But, for now we know he is precious, adorable and our son!  He is six years old, 11 months older than Seth.

We can't wait to get to China and bring our sons home!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Orphans are easier to ignore.....

           until you hold them in your arms.

          until you see them with your own eyes.

          until they cry on your shoulder over the abuse they have
          suffered in their short life.

          until you hear their laughter.

          until they share with you how they went to bed and their
          belly hurt so bad because they were hungry.

Over 147 million orphans will go to sleep tonight ignored by so many!  Which makes me think, WHY??  Why did we wait so long to react to God's prodding to do something?  We are changed people,  Abby has touched our lives and opened our eyes to the needs of others.  It is so easy to sit in our warm houses, that are full of food, love and family and do nothing!  But then, when your eyes are opened to the orphan you will never be the same!  We praise God for bringing Abby to us, she has changed us and I hope we are never the same.  Abby did not grow in my belly, but God allowed her to grow in our hearts.  She is OURS, as if I had given birth to her!

Orphans are easier to ignore...

          until they hold your face in their sweet, little hands and say,
"I love you, Mommy"!



Wednesday, August 15, 2012


We are praising God!!  I want to shout it from the mountain top!

Abby had an MRI and CT scan last week.

There had been a few concerns on whether her surgery was successful.  Maybe, some nerves were still compressed.  Her surgeon called with the results from her tests and said some of the best words ever!!

His words, "I have some really great news...Her surgery was more successful than I could of ever hoped for, her bones are 100% fused and there is absolutely no compression, there is even extra room around her spinal cord"!  He even mentioned the radiologist commented on how great everything looked!

Woo Hoo!  Yippee!  God is so good!

So, her weakness issues are coming from nerve compression for 10 years and core muscle weakness.  We can work on that!!  We will continue with therapy and she can get stronger.

Once again we stand amazed at God's goodness.  He preserved her life for 10 years and now has healed her neck!!

"Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable."  Psalm 145:3

Friday, August 10, 2012


Our Seth is in a foster family in China which is sponsored by a great group here in the U.S.  We are not allowed to get the reports from the foster family until after we are home with him. 

BUT, they can share the pictures.  This morning I woke to SIXTEEN pictures in my inbox!!  Did you see that 16!!  That is a lot of cuteness to endure in one day but I managed!  He is absolutely adorable!  We received pictures from age one to the most recent was in April of this year and many, many in between.  

We were told he is silly and energetic and to get some good running shoes because he will keep us on our toes!!

Oh boy, I can't wait to get him home!