Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Home, SWEET, Home!

We are home!!

I must say my bed felt so wonderful and soft last night!

H.O. had great helpers getting our luggage checked in :-)!

The boys did great traveling, thank you for your prayers!  We arrived at the airport early in Guangzhou and they sat on the floor and played with some other children from our travel group, the time passed fairly quickly.  During our first flight they were very interested in the t.v.'s on the backs of the seats, after a little while this mean mama made them turn off the t.v.'s to get some sleep.  They slept for about six hours and then back to watching a movie, they stayed relatively quiet during that flight.  We then arrived in the wonderful United States and made it through customs and immigration.  They are now U.S. Citizens!!  On our next flight they slept the first half of the flight and then colored.  By our last flight they had had enough, luckily it was only an hour flight and we were home.  We arrived home at 9 a.m. our local time.

We were greeted at the airport by our wonderful family and friends.  What a sweet site they were!  We arrived home to a wonderfully clean house with food in the fridge!  I can not thank my mom enough for staying at our house caring for our children and cleaning and making our arrival so nice. 

Once home the boys had a great time exploring the house and seeing their toys.

They have fallen in love with their jie jie, big sister Carrie Anne!  A real advantage of some of our children staying at home is that now they are not suffering from jet lag and are full of energy and excitement to play with their little brothers!  It is so much fun having all of our children together!

After playing for a while I put the little boys down for a nap and H.O. and I crashed also, we all slept for a couple of hours and made ourselves get up so we would sleep last night.  Then after a dinner of pizza we headed off to the children's music recital.  We broke all of the rules of secluding the children for the first weeks home.  We didn't want to miss our children's music recital, they played well, it is always an enjoyable evening to listen to how well all the children play and to see their progress from year to year.  Andrew did not play since he had just arrived home.

 We then came home and crashed!  It is so wonderful to be home!  It is also comforting to have all our family together!

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