Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A relaxing day in China!

We have had a relaxing, enjoyable day exploring as we walked around the area.  In this area there are very few people that are not Chinese, as in we saw one other American couple today.  So, we definitely get stared at and talked about, we just smile.  We have so enjoyed just walking around today and taking it all in.

A guy was throwing necklaces, our guide told H.O. and Andrew to hold out their hand and sure enough the guy saw those crazy Americans and threw one straight to them.

A relaxing afternoon at Starbucks.


Definitely fresh!  If you want fish for dinner you get a net, catch the ones you want, put them in a bag, and go have it weighed.

A motorcycle taxi, 2-3 passengers can fit in the back seat.

Street signs are only a suggestion, I guess, because no one seems to obey them.  Sometimes a two lane road will be 4 wide with cars.  The sign may say no left turn but drivers do it anyways and if you are riding a motorcycle you can go against the flow of traffic if it helps you get to where you want to go faster.  When we are up in our room watching people crossing the road it reminds us of the game Frogger, it amazes us how people just run between the moving cars!
It has been nice to get rested and get accustomed to the area before getting the boys.

We finished our day eating at a local Chinese restaurant, the food was quite good.  No one spoke English, luckily we could just point to pictures of what we wanted.  We laughed as H.O. tried to act out we wanted forks instead of chopsticks, so did the table next to us.

Tomorrow we will meet our guide in the morning to go over paperwork and then at 1:30 we leave to head to the Civil Affairs Office to meet our boys!  We are getting so excited!!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun, relaxing day.

    Can't wait to read your next post!!!! Praying!!
