Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our day

We had a low key morning.  We went shopping at some stores around our hotel.  We are searching for a suitcase, on our last flight some "liquid" covered my suitcase when it came out of baggage claim that smelled horrible.  The suitcase had to be trashed, so we have to find something to bring my clothes home in.
We came back to the hotel after a trip to Starbucks for lunch.  We had been told the boys were probably used to a nap, so we decided to try putting them down for a nap, sure enough within three minutes they were asleep.  After they woke up they had a lot of fun making paper airplanes.

Seth kept making funny faces and wanting me to take his picture, he is so funny!

Today after shopping and lunch H.O. commented how much better Caleb was doing, he was holding his hand and walking so nicely(not throwing himself on the ground).  Well, it went downhill this evening!!  He was a mess!  We were headed to the Pearl River Dinner Cruise and he fell apart.  H.O. took him and separated him from the crowd and had him sit on his lap and try to calm him down, he sat there and screamed and cried(Caleb, not H.O. :)).  I had our guide talk to him and he settled down and did a little better.  A few minutes later our guide said she told him if he was a good boy he could have soda with dinner.  Well just as the drink cart was headed to our table I asked him to do something and he stuck his tongue out at me so I said, no soda.  Our guide happened to be walking by and I asked her to explain that to him, she did and I fully expected him to have a meltdown as Seth received his soda.  But he did okay.  His behavior began to improve as he was distracted with eating, the show and the lights.  We have our work cut out for us with him :).

Here is the one picture I managed to snap during the dinner cruise, which by the way was a huge disappointment!  The food was hmm, not the best, they ran out of plates and forks, it was raining so we couldn't really see the lights and the clown was a joke.  Maybe, it would of seemed better if we had been in a better frame of mind. :)  The last 5 minutes the rain stopped and we were able to go outside and see the lights!

Tomorrow is a new day! 
We keep reminding ourselves it is not his fault that he is this way!  He has never been disciplined, we see great potential,  he can be a very sweet boy and loves hugs and kisses, we will get there!

Our Consulate appointment is in the morning and then we are going to Shamain Island to go shopping!  Woo Hoo!

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