Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Friday, June 3, 2016


....is a joy!
....is hard!
....has taught me I need to be absolutely, totally dependent on God!

I have missed many months of blogging as I am busy being a mommy! Our family has gone through many moments of joy but also some very difficult times.  Adoption is a beautiful thing, but there would not be a need for adoption if there was not abandonment.  Abandonment, neglect and abuse are ugly things for a small child to deal with and survive. We have dealt with RAD~Reactive Attachment Disorder~ with one of our little guys since he joined our family. We have had many H-A-R-D days in the past several years.  Progress is SLOW, but we have progress.  He is learning to trust and be loved, to be responsible and not steal or hurt others. He is growing a conscience, ever so slowly! Yippee Jesus!

This process has kept me on my knees and truly brought to light my total need for Christ.  It has shown me my brokenness.  It reminds me Christ loves me even when I am so unlovable.  No matter what, Christ loves ME! ...and Christ loves you!  He wants to help us out of our darkness and help us to grow closer to Him each day. 

Parenting a RAD kid is hard, and I truly don't know how someone does it without Christ carrying you through! I am so thankful for my salvation and having a loving, heavenly Father!  When I feel I can't face another rage, Christ says oh yes you can! A verse that has been a source of encouragement has been Galatians 6:9, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Years ago someone gave me that verse framed.  It sits on a shelf in my living room, never at the time I received it did I know how precious those words would become to me.  Each morning as I drink my coffee and read my Bible I see those words framed.  God knew years ago I would need that verse and He laid it on a sweet lady's heart to give them to me.  It is as if as I read that verse in the morning, in the quiet of the day, God is saying, You can do this, attack the day, Shauna!  And, I am here to carry you when you need it! Oh, how HE loves you and me!

As I said, we have had many joyful times as well. Also, as most of you know my heart is still so soft toward the orphan.  I still encourage others to adopt, but I also tell them to be educated and ready for the hard stuff and rejoice if it doesn't happen!  It is NOT these kids fault that they haven't learned love.  They think love hurts...that was what they had experienced......hard stuff!  Now, it's our job to show them that love is beautiful.  Not so that they can love us, but so they can truly experience God's love!

I have so many beautiful memories from the past 10 months since I last posted but I will leave you with just a few pics, if you're still with me at this point ;)!

Life is good!

I love the life that God has called me to and I love the ones in my life I get to share it with.

Stayed tuned.....a big trip is quickly approaching for me and Carrie Anne!  A mission trip to Africa, to love on orphans and share Christ's love with the Ugandan people!!!!

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