Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Busy Day!

Our days start early. We start off our mornings by going to a baby orphanage. They house children younger than three. Oh, precious ones! I had such a hard time yesterday, I fought tears the whole time. So many little ones wanting love and simply not enough people to go around. When we first arrived a little guy ran up with his arms lifted saying, me, me, wanting me to hold him. As we worked changing sheets, bathing and clothing the children they all wanted attention. Today as went back each child I held or cared for I prayed for them. Praying they would know Gods love and be adopted and know the love of a family. Our time at the baby home each day is a precious time for me!

After leaving the baby home the ladies and teen girls on our team headed to a bible study for pregnant teens. What a sweet time! Every time we do something I think this is my favorite part and then the next day we do something different and I think...oh wow this is my favorite part. These girls have lead such hard lives. The lady that offers this ministry takes in pregnant girls that have no one and shows them love, teaches them of Gods love for them, provides them housing, pays for their medical bills, helps them finish school or teaches them a trade. By the time they "graduate" from her house they are able to care for themselves and do not have to live on the streets. Myself and three other ladies from our team shared a testimony  that we felt God had laid on our hearts and three of the pregnant teens shared their stories. What a sweet time of encouragement for all of us. Definitely a highlight of the trip for me! We had the opportunity to buy some jewelry they make to provide for their needs. A beautiful ministry!

While the ladies were at the Bible study the guys on our team stayed back at the Gem Foundation and worked on building a fence and shoveling dirt and trash. They did a great job!

Below is part of the Gem Foundation. A sweet place for special need kiddos to be cared for and receive love!

I had asked some of you to pray for our team because two teammates were sick. I am happy to say the whole team was back together today feeling well. Continue to pray for our health, please.

May God continue to break our hearts for what breaks His! I am confident no one on our team will leave her the same as when we came. Each night we have a team meeting and each of us share our favorite part of the day or what God is teaching us. This has come to be a highlight of my day to hear how God is working in each of our hearts.


  1. Loved seeing the boy in navy blue. Thank you for finding time to post in your busy days and with internet issues. It has been wonderful to read about how God is at work. Thank you, Shauna!

  2. Loved both post tears in seeing Adam with his puppet. I will make mental mom note never send glasses on Mission trip with either boys I think they never took them off. These pictures are all precious. Love this. Thank you so much. I am glad everyone is better. Not sure how I miss that 2 was sick. I will have to go back and read and see where I missed that at. Glad that everyone is well again. Praising the Lord and pray for safe rest of the trip.
