Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Sunday, July 27, 2014

I am one happy Mommy!

All of my chickies are back in the nest! :)


Carrie Anne returned a week ago and Andrew yesterday from camp.  It is amazing how much difference there is when two children are gone.  There was a void and we missed them greatly.
My sweet girls!  Love these two sweet young ladies!
Last week our teens shared their testimonies of how the Lord had worked in their lives during camp.  It is always so exciting to hear how God is molding these teens to be more like Him.  They are our future leaders and we NEED them to be molded into God's image!
My wonderful big boys!  I love these fellas!
Andrew had participated in a leadership program at the same camp but a different program and he was there for two weeks.  H.O. and I had the privilege of driving down to pick him up, tour the camp, see him get his certificate and hear the final message.  He said the program was intense, it was like trying to take a drink of water from a fire hydrant.  They poured a lot of information into this group of teens.  Tonight at church he shared some about the program he participated in and what he learned.  I must say I was filled with joy as I listened to him share his testimony.  It is so exciting to see God working in his life.  He is growing into a sweet young man that is striving to honor and glorify God in all that he does and it is great having a front row seat.  I look forward to all that God has planned for him.
My active, sweet little guys!  They've captured their mommy's heart!
I love each of my precious children, they are all very different and have different callings and purposes.  And this momma is happy to have them all back at home.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Summer Orientation

A few weeks back our family descended upon the campus of the University where Taylor will attend in the fall.

As I type those words I still wonder how that can be possible.  He's just my baby, right???  And yes I am struggling with our changing family dynamics but very excited about this next step for Taylor.

We enjoyed touring the campus.

H.O. let the younger crew play outside while Taylor and I took care of some paperwork.

We also enjoyed a tour of the city on a tour bus while learning about some local history, quite a lovely city.

Taylor is registered for his classes and beginning to get excited for this next step.
We also tried out some local restaurants and Andrew was excited to get a kids hat, which really I think he "borrowed" from one of his little brothers.
Ready or not our kids are growing up, praying they make wise choices and stay close to God.

Monday, July 14, 2014

And they're off!

Andrew and Carrie Anne left for camp this morning.

Carrie Anne will be gone for a week and Andrew for two weeks, he is participating in an leadership training program which runs longer.

Praying they grow closer to Christ during the coming days.
Entertaining themselves on the bus ride to camp.

Love these kiddos!

We will miss them and are already looking forward to their return, but pray God uses this time greatly in their lives!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer Evening

We had a relaxing summer evening.
We made some homemade ice cream.
Strawberry... Yum!
The girls enjoyed licking the paddle when we were done(and splattering a little on each other).
 And then Carrie Anne pulled out some face paint.

 H.O. grilled our burgers.  Another yum!
 Some of the beautiful :) faces!

 Sweet sisters!
 Daddy with his oldest princess!
A nice evening!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


...on God's goodness.

Caleb and I had to make an unexpected trip to Cincinnati Children's this week.  Unexpected to me, not to God, He knows all.  I'm not sure why He had us take this quick trip but... He did.  Caleb's medicine port was not working and we left early Sunday and drove 10 hours to Cincinnati.  Praise the Lord they fixed it Monday morning and we hit the road for a 10 hour trip home.  If they had not been able to fix it we would of stayed in town for needed surgery, so needless to say we were so excited when they came to the waiting room to tell me they got it open and I could soon meet him in the recovery room!  He woke easily from sedation and we hit the road.

But again, why?  Why was this trip needed right now in God's plans??  I don't know and it's not my place to question God.  But, I do know our God is amazing.  We left on Sunday morning and once again I was amazed by the beautiful creation God has made!  Caleb had his headphones on and watched a movie, I turned on the music and listened to songs that spoke of God's grace and goodness, sang along and enjoyed the scenery. 

I have made this trip now in winter, spring and summer.  I have drove through snow, rain and sun.  Trees bare without leaves, budding trees and trees in full bloom.  No matter the conditions the drive is beautiful. 
I praise the Lord for His goodness.  He made this beautiful creation, Earth, for our enjoyment.  Maybe.... He had me make this trip just for the hours that I could spend driving quietly meditating on His goodness.