Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Remember the big picture!"

I have thought on those words many times in the 
last couple of weeks.

A couple of weeks ago, after a very trying day where Caleb complained "at" me a.l.l. day I came into the family room and said I am so tired of hearing I am the meanest mommy ever!  Of course Caleb can't say that in English, but I can tell from his tone he is not speaking nicely and Abby will then tell me what he has said.

Andrew sweetly looked at me and said mom, "remember the big picture"!  And... I have started listening to Andrew and remembering to look at the big picture.  This is a boy who was torn from the only home he had known, not an ideal home, but his home none the less.  This is a boy who up until two months ago was not made to behave, share, or talk sweetly.  So, of course, he is going to complain when forced to conform to rules.

It makes me think of how patient and loving our heavenly father is!  I continually disappoint Him but he lovingly corrects and molds me.

When remembering the big picture, I think of how far he has come.  I remember adopting an older child is a crash course in learning how to act in a family.  When I do not focus on this particular trying day and look at the whole picture I see the sweet boy that is trying to learn and please.  I can also see the trying days are getting farther and farther apart and more good days are replacing the trying days.  He IS making amazing progress!  Thank you Jesus!

Thank you Andrew for those encouraging words!

1 comment:

  1. Think of you often. I think the "Meanest Mom Ever" syndrome is at our home too. Clay returned from China on Friday and its amazing how quickly things have improved:)
