Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Monday, December 9, 2013

Two years with our Miss Abby

Two years ago we met our Abby for the first time!  She was scared and shy but that only lasted for about an hour and she showed us her silly side.  So much has happened in the past two years since Abby joined our family.  She has grown eight inches, underwent major surgery and five weeks of inpatient rehab, endured hundreds of hours of therapy and all of those things have helped her to become so much stronger.  

My sweet silly girls!
But, the most important thing is she has learned of our savior who brought her through this and home to her family.  He has loved her since before she was born.  She has learned of His love for her(and you), that He died on the cross for her sins and this year she trusted Him as her personal savior.    

The other night as we ate dinner Abby asked, before her, Caleb and Seth came home where did everyone sit at the dinner table....hmm, we thought and thought and no one could remember our seating arrangements before they joined our family.  The bottom line they are our family and it is hard to remember or think of life without them!  Yes, there have been hard times, things are not always easy but we praise God he added these sweet blessings to our family!

We feel so honored and humbled that Jesus added Abby to our family.  You are the sister that Carrie Anne prayed so many years for!  We love you Abby!!

1 comment:

  1. Just feeling so overwhelmed with how God has worked in Abby's life and praising him for the beautiful young lady she is!
