Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Field trip to Maymont

Today we had a beautiful day to go to the park with our home school group.

There were lots of frogs, caterpillars and inch worms, the kids had a great time getting a good look at them.

Abby being silly with her friend who was recently adopted from China.

We had a great day enjoying God's creation!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Jill. I am also a homeschool mom and I'm pretty sure based on this post we live in the same town. A friend connected me to you. We are in the process of adopting a 10 year old girl from Ukraine. We plan to homeschool her along with our three boys (ages 9, almost 7, almost 5). Would you be willing to email me and share info you have learned about homeschooling older adopted children in our state? Of course, I see from your blog you are in the midst of travel and getting settled with your two boys, so as time permits. My email address is: djlsmith@verizon.net
