Our Blessed Bunch

Our Blessed Bunch

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Caleb had waited so long for his birthday!
Last year we sent him a birthday cake and gift to his orphanage just 2 weeks before we arrived.  He had watched all the other family members celebrate their birthday and was so anxious for his.  After Seth's last month he was counting down the days!

His big day finally arrived!
We started his special day with cinnamon rolls.

We had a relaxing day, full of play.

He was so excited to finally bust open his pinata.

Poor Spider Man!

After dinner he opened presents,

and had cake!

Happy 8th Birthday Caleb!  You are a special boy!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mommy Pie!

The other day I heard Seth from the other room yelling,
 "Mommy Pie."

Hmm, What??
At first I didn't understand why he was saying Mommy pie.

Well, I call H.O. "sweetie pie" and I often call Seth "cutie pie."

So.... Seth has started calling me "Mommy Pie."

I think he is about the cutest thing ever, other than the other five children I have of course!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Catching up!

                                 Our days and life stay busy!  
I can remember when I was a stay at home mom to one sweet baby and thought life was busy and then came the days when we had three little ones younger than five and I thought life was busy.  
But, I do think we are busier now than ever before and I wouldn't have it any other way.  

Here are a few things that have happened at our house in the last couple of weeks.

We had a couple of days of rain and what's a mommy of six suppose to do with antsy children.  Hmm, let them dance in the rain of course!
They all had a great time but Seth definitely loved it.

Andrew and Carrie Anne had a great time at "Sock Hop" night.
 They looked great!

We also had a great time taking the kids to a local dirt track race track.  It was quite cold after the sun went down though!

We also enjoyed a day at the beach.  Andrew received a surf board for Christmas and was SO anxious to try it out.  He had been watching the weather and the surf report and waiting for a good day.  The kids got school work done so we could take a quick trip to the beach, spending a couple of hours one morning.  The younger children enjoyed playing in the sand as mommy nervously watched her baby surf. :)

I could include a picture of me going crazy a few days as my kids were umm not behaving so well but I will spare you and move on to something so much more exciting!

Drum Roll....
Seth has his training wheels off!
He was so ready!  
This boy has no fear!  
He got on his bike, rode a couple of feet and tried to do a wheelie!  

He fell a couple of times but within a few minutes was doing great!

We are definitely enjoying the spring weather and spending our days outdoors!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

He DIED for me!

He DIED for you!

Nails were pierced through his hands and feet to pay the price for my sins and yours.

He had done no wrong yet He willingly died a horrible death on the cross of Calvary as the sins of all humans were placed upon Him.

But HE was wounded for our transgressions, HE was bruised for our iniquities (sins): the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM; and with His stripes we are healed. ~ Isaiah 53:5

What AMAZING love!

Today Christians celebrate the death, burial and RESURRECTION of our sweet Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

He was born a babe in the manger to die for our sins.  

He is not dead!  He rose again, as He had said!  A true miracle!

For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of GOD: Not of works lest any man should boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8-9

It is a gift, you have to confess you are a sinner and accept HIS gift of salvation, what an amazing gift~~ eternal life in heaven!

I hope you and your family have had a blessed day celebrating Christ's resurrection!

True Resurrection JOY!

Happy Easter from our family to yours!

Goofy, sweet boys!

My sweet girls!

Even big boys still enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt!

This was the little guys first Easter egg hunt but they quickly caught on!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


The kids enjoyed another fun field trip this week.
Caleb and I missed it, sadly, as he was in the hospital. 
But, H.O. was able to go with the other kids.
They had beautiful spring day.

They learned a little about sailing, such as navigation and tying knots and had a fun time!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Great Field Trip

We enjoy many great field trips with our home school group and last week was especially fun and educational!

We went to a local living history battlefield.

The kids had a great time learning about the war 
and the soldiers life.

Abby decided this uniform was heavy and itchy.

Drill practice
They showed the kids how 6-9 men may have slept in this small tent.

(Yes, the big kids did go but they divided the kids up according to grade and I went with the younger kids.  
So... no pics of the big kids!)
After enjoying the battlefield we went to the beach for a picnic lunch and play.  The kids had a great time playing on the beach and the moms enjoyed chatting.  A nice educational yet relaxing day.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


It is finally starting to feel like spring!


I think one of my favorite things about homeschooling (and I have many favorites) is that on a beautiful spring day we can be spontaneous and at lunch time throw some food in a bag and head to the park to enjoy the outdoors.  

Hmm, as a homeschooling mommy I could call it science class as we enjoy the beautiful creation God gave us and observe the water animals, or P.E., or just a sanity break :).  Anyway, I love taking a break and enjoying my kids at the park on these wonderful spring days!

They enjoy playing...

and running...

and being goofy...

and laughing.

Yep, spring is wonderful!  Thank you God for the changing seasons, without winter we would not appreciate spring as much.